TA Research & Practice

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Process and outcome in pluralistic Transactional Analysis counselling for long-term health conditions: A case series

Author: McLeod, Julia   First Published: 2014-01-02  -  Download



Background: Many people experience living with a long-term health condition as highly stressful. The psychological impact of chronic illness can include anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and relationship difficulties.

Aims: The present study used a case series to examine the process and outcome of pluralistically-informed Transactional Analysis counselling in three clients suffering major health problems.

Method: A rich case record was assembled for each client, incorporating therapist notes, transcripts of sessions, scores on standard outcome measures, and a follow-up interview. These case materials were analysed to identify key helpful process within the therapy, and to determine the nature of the outcomes of the intervention.

Findings: A set of core therapeutic tasks could be identified across all three cases, and clients reported high levels of satisfaction with outcome.

Conclusions: Implications for practice and future research are discussed.

Original Publisher: Counselling and Psychotherapy Research

Link to Original Publication: https://doi.org/10.1080/14733145.2012.709873


Process and outcome in pluralistic Transactional Analysis counselling for long-term health conditions: A case series