TA Research & Practice

TA Research & Practice

Connecting The Transactional Analysis Community Worldwide

en English


We plan to build this up to provide various resources, to researchers and to practitioners. We have currently split this into three areas although we will be happy to change that if necessary.

Conferences – whenever we can, we will add conference proceedings or conference presentations.  We can only include those materials that are provided to us and we regret that so far that page contains only the presentation materials of the second EATA Research Conference that ran in 2012. These were also published as Vol 4 Issue 1 of IJTAR – free access at www.ijtarp.org.  We are looking forward to when WOTAA (wotaa.org)  runs its first online conference and we can include the materials here. In the meantime, we welcome any other associations that are willing to make their conference materials freely available.

TA Dictionaries – these are the Translation Dictionaries that volunteers have been providing so that interpreters can know how key TA terminology is being translated in various languages.

Publications – these are articles, theses, and similar materials that have been provided. Some of them are articles in the original languages of papers that have been translated into English and appeared in IJTARP; some are dissertations in various languages.