TA Research & Practice

TA Research & Practice

Connecting The Transactional Analysis Community Worldwide

en English


This website has been set up to enable researchers to share information about their activities, and to encourage the spread of research information so that all TA practitioners can use it to enhance their competence with clients.  We hope you will use the site to find people to take part in research you are conducting, and/or volunteer yourself or find others to take part in research being run by others, provide details of results of research you conduct, and/or read and apply the results of research in your TA practice.

If you enjoy ‘being international’ why not join the World Online Transactional Analysis Association www.wotaa.org. If you join this as a member (the fee is only to make a donation equivalent to the price of a cup of coffee in your own country) you will be able to see which other members have expressed an interest in research.

This Research website is a supplement to the contents of the International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice (IJTARP.org) through the publication of a collection of the Abstracts – in English and other languages – as well as additional articles, theses and so on.

From time to time we will also include material generated at conferences, such as that from the 2nd EATA Research Conference which was run in the UK in November 2012. The complete Proceedings are available for free access at ijtarp.org as Vol 4 Issue 1 of the International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research & Practice.  Associated PowerPoint files are provided on this website. Other EATA Research Conferences have published their own proceedings on their own websites but we hope to build up the collection here so invite authors/presenters to send us whatever they wish us to include.

It now also contains a link to a whole set of publications by Keri Phillips, provided to us by his daughter after Keri’s untimely death in 2023. You can access these FREE at https://juliehay.org/keriphillips

More information about IJTARP

In case you are not familiar with it, IJTARP (International Journal of TA Research & Practice) is an open access journal that contains articles about transactional analysis – not just research but also theory and practice – whatever is relevant and worth sharing with others.  In addition to its initial focus on new research studies and reviews of existing studies related to specific topics, IJTARP publishes papers that expand awareness of TA generally, including its approaches, methods, constructs, schools, etc, in ways that add to practitioner, teacher and supervisor knowledge and hence lead to best practice.

  • We will help you produce more than one article – with a research-focused version for IJTARP and other papers for other journals
  • We welcome papers on research methodology from non-TA researchers
  • We invite English translations of papers that have been published in other languages (with permission of the original publisher)

IJTARP already publishes material using any scientific paradigm across the full range of TA applications. It also promotes research and practice articles comparing TA and other models and non-TA research that have significant implications for TA theory or practice. A wide variety of material is welcomed, including but not limited to:

  • Practice articles – share how you are using TA, with whom and in what contexts – so others can learn from you;
  • Theory articles – such as literature reviews to help others know what has gone before, or theory developments based on your own professional experiences – or your innovative speculations;
  • Pure as well as applied research. Research that tests existing theoretical models within TA and research that tests the effectiveness of specific interventions and programs are both of interest;
  • Outcome as well as process-oriented research. Randomised, control group research designs and real life process research are both seen as relevant;quantitative and qualitative research methods are both encouraged;
  • We also accept papers that provide readers with information related to the understanding and application of TA theory, such as theoretical reviews, practitioner reports, exploration of specific TA constructs, etc.

Until the end of 2017, IJTARP issues generally appeared in January and July each year. The publication schedule after that has varied due to a change in funding but we have maintained the pattern of 2 issues per year and from 2022 it will be June and December. In any case, review processes take some time so we encourage you to submit as soon as you have something ready.

Author Guidelines are shown on the IJTARP website.  You can also submit your manuscript online – here – this allows you to add the necessary information about yourself that will be available online once your article is published.    If you struggle with the online submission, just send your article direct to IJTARP Editor if you prefer and we will handle the online part for you.

And please contact us if you have some ideas for a paper, or for a research study, and would like to discuss options before you start writing – we will be happy to advise, encourage, critique and hopefully motivate you.

Julie Hay
IJTARP Editor  – Teaching & Supervising Transactional Analyst (Counselling, Organisational, Psychotherapy, Educational)
[email protected]