We provide translations of the IJTARP Abstracts in 6 languages currently; move your mouse above or click here to choose:
Bulgarian | Chinese | Czech | English | French | German | Hungarian | Italian | Japanese | Persian | Polish | Portuguese | Romanian | Russian | Serbian | Spanish | Turkish |
български | 中文 | Česky> | English | Français | Deutsch | Magyar | Italiano | 日本語 | فارسی | Polski | português | Română | русский | Српски | Español | Türkçe |
Srpski |
To read the full article in English, go to ijtarp.org
We also provide a number of translation dictionaries showing key TA terms. Just click here to be redirected so you can download and use the language you wish to work with.
The terms translated are those in the Glossary in the well-known book TA Today. (Stewart, I. and Joines, V. (1987) TA Today: a New Introduction to Transactional Analysis. Nottingham and Chapel Hill: Lifespace Publishing.) The authors, Ian Stewart and Vann Joines, kindly gave permission for us to reproduce their work and publishers of foreign editions – and other translators – have helped by providing translations that had already been done. In addition, several translators have donated their services to translate into other languages: they are acknowledged within each document.
This page contains a series of pdf’s that show translations into various languages of TA terminology. Just click to download and use the language you
work with.
The downloads include one that contains the full glossary, in case you need the explanations of the TA terms. The explanations have not been translated – only the terms.
More languages are being added so please check again in a few weeks time if you cannot find the one you need. If you are able to provide a language that is not yet shown, we will be delighted to hear from you: If creating a translation please use this template.
It is hoped to add more TA terms in the future and your suggestions about these will be welcomed.
Please advise any updates or queries to Julie Hay on [email protected] (in English please!).